Conservative Ramblings

A place for me to share my thoughts on the political and spiritual issues of our day. Hopefully my frineds will occasionally join in.

Location: Ft Lauderdale, Florida, United States

I grew up in Ct and became politically active around 18 years old supporting Jimmy Carter for president. Shortly after that I began to study the bible and the writings of Francis Schaeffer. By the time 1980 came around I was a Reagan supporter (I think he was our best modern president). My life was further enriched in 1986 when a new Pastor came to lead our church, Doug Gleeson. Doug was the model of what a christian man should be, he was a dear friend who changed my life forever. For reasons unknow to me God took Doug home to be with Him in 1989 at only 39 years of age. His wonderful wife and his 3 terrific kids are among my best friends to this day. My wife has supported me in my political interests through the years including travel to Washington DC and non-violent political protests. She also provided excellent nurturing for our 2 children including constant attention to education, even home schooling them for two years. I have 2 grown children who are 2 of the best kids on earth. They are both political conservatives and christians who live out their faith in helping others and then helping them to help themselves. I guess that is my definition of compassionate conservatism.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Calvary Chapel Takes Biblical Stand

Recognition and thanks to Chuck Smith and Calvary Chapel for their stand against "The Emerging Church" movement:

Calvary Chapel May Set Precedent at This Week's Pastors Conference
As Calvary Chapel pastors across North America prepare to attend this year's annual pastors conference starting Monday, many in the church at large are watching and waiting to see if Calvary's recent position paper on the emerging church movement will have a meaningful impact. The position paper, issued after evidence surfaced that some Calvary Chapel pastors were endorsing and promoting the emerging church movement, stated that Calvary Chapel was rejecting the emerging movement including the contemplative and mystical aspects of it. The paper said that those Calvary churches that were teaching and/or promoting emerging should no longer be affiliated with Calvary Chapel. The decision to issue such a position paper was not easy, according to sources we spoke with. Chuck Smith Sr. (founder of Calvary Chapel) is the "spiritual father" to many Calvary pastors and such a severance would have significant consequences. For instance, his own son, Chuck Smith Jr. (a Calvary pastor), is among those who have apparently turned toward the emerging church. According to statements made recently by Chuck Smith Jr, his Capo Beach Calvary Chapel is no longer a part of Calvary Chapel: "Officially, we have withdrawn from the Calvary Chapel affiliation." It is expected that other Calvary Chapel pastors may follow suit because of the new position paper. Lighthouse Trails Publishing has done extensive research on the contemplative and emerging church movements and found that most ministries and Christian organizations that are promoting these New Age belief systems (contemplative and emerging) are not turning away from them even after they have been made aware of the concerns and dangers. While a few Christian leaders such as John MacArthur have stood firmly against these mystical movements, Calvary Chapel may be the first large ministry that has been directly influenced to actually denounce the false teachings of these movements. If Calvary Chapel stands firm on defending the gospel message and rejecting these heretical doctrines, it may be setting a precedent for other Christian ministries to do likewise. With organizations such as Purpose Driven, Zondervan, NavPress publishers, Willow Creek and Renovare all promoting contemplative spirituality and with many other ministries appearing to head that way, it is becoming less and less popular to do what Calvary Chapel has done. But it is a time in history when compromising the integrity of the gospel could actually help to unfold the greatest spiritual deception Christianity has ever seen. May God help Calvary Chapel pastors and the pastors of the body of Christ at large to stand, not for the false christs and false doctrines of this world, but for the Savior and Light of the world, Jesus Christ.
May the apostle Paul's exhortation to the church be ours also:"And I, brethren, when I came to you, did not come with excellence of speech or of wisdom declaring to you the testimony of God. For I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified." I Corinthians 2:1-2
IMPORTANT REPORT BY UNDERSTAND THE TIMES, ROGER OAKLANDRoger Oakland, of Understand the Times, has been ministering to Calvary Chapel pastors around the world for 20 years. As Roger has observed the growing influence of contemplative and emerging in both Calvary Chapel churches and the body of Christ, he believes what we are witnessing in much of evangelicalism today is a subtle return to Roman Catholicism. Roger has counted the cost as he has continued to speak up and warn the church, often being criticized for his stand. On the eve before Calvary Chapel pastors head to California for their annual meeting, Roger has written a powerful and important report that we are presenting to you now:
The Emerging Church: Another Road to Rome

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

President Bush - A Man of Character

Today started with a rush as my new grandson was born late last night. I didn't have much time for FOX news this morning but I was surprised to hear that Bush risked his life in a surprise visit to Iraq. With the insurgents able to shoot down helicopters he is abrave man indeed. Hopefully his risk will greatly encourage the Iraqi government.

New Addition To the Family

Today I saw the newest addition - my new grandson born to my daughter and son in law late last night. He is beautiful and so cute!!! His 2 year old sister showed immediate "ownership" as she tried to prevent the nurse from taking the baby out of the hospital room. They are both, as the scripture says, "fearfully and wonderfully made. " We thank God for them and the health of our family. Some day, God willing, my son and his wife will also add to the family but for now it is wonderful to watch them grow together during their first year of marriage.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Lifes Blessing

Today my little girl goes into the hsopital to have her little boy. I will spend my day watching my first grandchild who is the apple of my eye. These are the times when lifes real blessings come shining down

Friday, June 09, 2006

Democrats and Zarqawi

Can you believe it? Instead of rejoicing with the American and Iraqi people in the death of this creep democrats are suggesting that "the death of terrorist leader Abu Musab Zarqawi in Iraq was a stunt to divert attention from an unpopular and hopeless war."
The democrats just can't stand it when something good happens in Iraq. I wonder how those in military uniform risking their lives in Iraq and especially on the mission to kill Zarqawi feel about the democrats? With democrats like these Al Qaeda doesn't need to open their own propaganda machine in the US - they just use the democrats.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

A God's eye view of the earths atmosphere, where the tropopause separates the troposphere from the next layer - the stratosphere.

Zarqawi Dead - Allah Akbar

Wow what great news to wake up to. This is exactly why I go to sleep with my TV on, the hope that I'll wake up during the night for a FOX news alert like this one. The hated "prince of Iraq" has now met his maker and.... it is not Allah but rather Jehovah the Just. Instead of his paradise of running water, gardens and virgins he was terribly suprised by the realization that his maker is Jehovah and that at His right side is Jesus Christ "The Lion of the Tribe of Judah" not the "Prophet" of Islam. Imagine the awesome realization that what he lived and died for was wrong and that the Christ that he hated could have been his saviour but is now his judge. It is at once a wonderful and terrible thing to contemplate. When I sent the news to my son by text message he responded back "Allah Akbar", what a terrific response from a great son!!! Thank God for His mercy to us who believe and His Justice upon evil and evil doers. Now what do you think Usama and his Dr friend might be thinking now?

Wednesday, June 07, 2006


This is my first blog so here I go.... I'm wondering what people think the chances are that Israel will survive the next 10 years?