Conservative Ramblings

A place for me to share my thoughts on the political and spiritual issues of our day. Hopefully my frineds will occasionally join in.

Location: Ft Lauderdale, Florida, United States

I grew up in Ct and became politically active around 18 years old supporting Jimmy Carter for president. Shortly after that I began to study the bible and the writings of Francis Schaeffer. By the time 1980 came around I was a Reagan supporter (I think he was our best modern president). My life was further enriched in 1986 when a new Pastor came to lead our church, Doug Gleeson. Doug was the model of what a christian man should be, he was a dear friend who changed my life forever. For reasons unknow to me God took Doug home to be with Him in 1989 at only 39 years of age. His wonderful wife and his 3 terrific kids are among my best friends to this day. My wife has supported me in my political interests through the years including travel to Washington DC and non-violent political protests. She also provided excellent nurturing for our 2 children including constant attention to education, even home schooling them for two years. I have 2 grown children who are 2 of the best kids on earth. They are both political conservatives and christians who live out their faith in helping others and then helping them to help themselves. I guess that is my definition of compassionate conservatism.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Yet Another Act of Terrorism Stopped

Today we hear the news that an Al Qaeda plot to attack the subway system in NYC was disrupted. Great thanks to the FBI and their partners in identifying and stopping this plot. Big thanks should also go to President Bush who has created an intelligence agency environment which, while not perfect, is so greatly improved. I continue to wonder if we could have avoided the 9/11 tragedy if we had not shackled the CIA and intelligence communities starting with the "Church (Senator Church) committee" hearings back in the mid-1970s. That together with the Carter and Clinton administrations shackled our intelligence agencies both directly by creating ridiculous rules and indirectly because so many good employees chose to retire rather than work in an environment where they were not respected by their "commanders in chief."